Norfolk and Waveney NHS chiefs plan to save £300m

Health chiefs in Norfolk and Waveney today unveiled how they hope to secure the future of our NHS by making huge savings and transforming the way patients are treated.

Every area of England has been told by NHS England to come up with what’s called a “Sustainability and Transformation Plan” (STP) to reduce deficits by keeping patients out of hospital alongside making cuts.

Between now and 2021 just under £300m of savings have been earmarked. At the same time around £150m of investment will be made.

Today health chiefs in Norfolk and Waveney published their plan. They now want staff and the public to have their say on it.

They say without changes the system will be £416m in the red by 2021. Much of the detail about how savings will be made is yet to be decided on as plans are in still in an early stage, but the main points are:

•Overall cuts in every area of the NHS and social care system apart from mental health;

•One in five patients who currently go to hospital being care for in community instead;

•Cutting a forecast deficit in health and care system from £416m to £50m by 2021;

It is not yet clear how the millions of pounds will be saved from different areas of our health service by 2021.

Full story in The Norwich Evening News 18 November 2016