‘Heavy handed’ NHS England forces CCG to agree to STP

NHS England threatened commissioners in London with legal directions if they do not support plans to appoint a single accountable officer, HSJ has been told.

Two sources have told HSJ that City and Hackney Clinical Commissioning Group was told by NHS England that it could face legal directions if it does not support plans by the North East London sustainability and transformation partnership to appoint a single accountable officer.

The news follows NHS England pausing plans by the CCG to integrate health and social care budgets with Hackney council and the City of London Corporation.

City and Hackney CCG is one of the few organisations yet to agree to an STP wide plan, which includes appointing the single accountable officer and creating a joint commissioning committee.

Sources said NHS England warned the CCG it could face legal directions over its refusal to sign the agreement.

One source said the national commissioner had been “heavy handed” with the issue.

In August, HSJ also reported the Hackney health scrutiny commission had raised concerns over the plans to appoint a single accountable officer for the patch.

HSJ understands that following a meeting on 6 September, members of the scrutiny commission voted not to endorse the proposals.

Full story in The HSJ, 8 September 2017