Health plan ‘not good enough’ says county council leader

The proposed blueprint for future health and care services in Lincolnshire has come under fire from the county council.

Lincolnshire County Council’s executive board has issued a formal response to the Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP) produced by Lincolnshire Health and Care and is strongly critical of the document, which proposes radical changes to the way health services are delivered in the county.

County council leader Coun Martin Hill said: “Although we accept and understand the rationale for change within health services in the county, the executive has serious concerns that the proposals in the current STP will not improve services for everyone.

“We also agree that money needs to be spent on better facilities, following years of under-investment in our hospitals. However, it is entirely unclear as to where the money for this would come from or if it’s even available.”

Read More at the Grantham Journal, 24th March 2017