Health bosses slammed over ‘chaotic’ consultation for massive NHS changes

HEALTH bosses have been slammed over ‘slippery management-speak’ and a ‘chaotic’ consultation over massive changes to the NHS in Oxfordshire.

Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning group was hauled before representatives of the Oxfordshire Health Overview and Scrutiny committee on Thursday to answer questions on how it had consulted on its ‘sustainability and transformation plan’ (STP), as well as changes on the horizon the public has not been allowed to see.

To applause from the room, Keep Our NHS Public campaigner Veronica Treacher said: “There’s a crisis in democracy occurring.

“Under the instruction of NHS England, the STP plan remains largely secret. It has been termed extra-legislative reform.This has been a transformation – from questionable public accountability to no public accountability at all.”

Oxfordshire CCG has been working with six others in Buckinghamshire and Berkshire West to produce a tri-county plan to overhaul the way the NHS is delivered across the area.

Full Story on The Oxford Mail 4 February 2017