Hampshire and Isle of Wight NHS beds closure plan to plug £577m hole

Extensive NHS health care changes are being planned for Hampshire and Isle of Wight to plug a £577m funding gap by 2021.

Measures include scrapping 300 hospital beds and selling off land.

Health bosses say the proposals will mean more community care, partnership working and improved patient choice.

Former consultant in public health in Hampshire Dr Iain Maclennan criticised the plan as “a thinly veiled attempt to introduce further cuts.”

The retired GP said the sustainability and transformation plan (STP) was “full of wonderful fluffy bits of jargon which on the face of it sound positive, but unfortunately a lot of these words are just a code for cuts”.

Richard Samuel, who led the work on the plan, said: “The reality is we’re investing in prevention, there are going to have to be some tough decisions on our journey.

Full Story on BBC News 23 November 2016