Gloucestershire campaigners march in mass NHS demonstration in London as part of national protest movement

GLOUCESTERSHIRE campaigners are set to march on parliament as part of a national NHS protest.

About 100 people from Gloucestershire will take coaches from Stroud, Gloucester and Cheltenham on Saturday, March 4 to the ‘It’s Our NHS’ demonstration organised by Health Campaigns Together and The People’s Assembly Against Austerity.

The demonstration in London starts at 12pm and a stall will also be running in Kings Street, Stroud, from 11am until 1pm, with a photo call at 12pm to coincide with the start of the demonstration in the capital.

James Beecher, of Stroud Against the Cuts, said: “We hope people will join us on the coach to London or at our stall on Kings Street at 12noon to show their support for a publicly-funded, publicly-owned NHS providing comprehensive, universal care on the basis of need, not ability to pay, and to demonstrate their opposition to this government’s policies.

Full Article on Gazette 2nd March 2017