Future Fit: Telford MP Lucy Allan calls for Jeremy Hunt to intervene in Shropshire A&E crisis

Telford MP Lucy Allan has called on the Government to intervene in Shropshire’s health crisis in a strongly-worded letter to Jeremy Hunt. She calls on NHS England to “step in and resolve this impasse”.

The process to revamp Shropshire’s health services is at deadlock after proposals to site a new sole A&E and women and children’s services at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital failed to win the unanimous backing of commissioners at a meeting on Monday.

The failure to agree has further delayed a planned period of public consultation, with an independent review now being carried out before determining the next steps. But Ms Allan said enough was enough.

She said: “Future Fit has been given more than enough time to get it right, the time has now come for NHS England to intervene. Everyone who has been following Future Fit knows it is not fit for purpose and I would prefer to save the time and expense of an independent review.

“The longer this process drags on the more the people of Telford and Shropshire are let down. Persevering with this process is pointless.”

In the letter, the Telford MP says Future Fit has “lost all credibility” and said it was imperative that action was now taken.

She said it was not the first time she had raised the issue with Mr Hunt, added: “It has divided the community and it is clear that clinicians will reach no agreement.

“Future Fit is overtime and over budget and manifestly is unable to deliver on its objectives.

“The attempt to drive through a recommendation that was unacceptable to the entire Telford CCG board shows an arrogance and determination to ride roughshod over the concerns of local clinicians and local people.

Full story in the Shropshire Star, 16 December 2016