Future of Cambridgeshire’s health system revealed in new five-year Sustainability and Transformation Plan

The report says if nothing is done by 2021, it is expected the collective NHS deficit will be £504million

A five-year plan to improve the health and wellbeing of people in Cambridgeshire has been published.

The 66-page Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP) covers hospital services, community healthcare, mental health, social care and GP services.

Led by local clinicians, it aims to provide the solutions to the county’s challenges to deliver the best possible care to keep the population “fit for the future” and to take joint responsibility for improving their health and wellbeing.

The report describes Cambridgeshire and Peterborough as one of the most, “if not the most, challenged health systems in England” and says it is essential the system works together to develop “robust plans for long-term change.”

Full Story on Cambridge News 23 November 2016