Fighting 4 Grantham Hospital: ‘We will hold trust to task until A&E is back’

Protest group Fighting 4 Grantham Hospital (F4GH) says it will increase the pressure on the hospital trust to get A&E back to a 24-hour service.

The group has marches and protests organised locally and in London over the next few months as part of its pressure on United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust (ULHT)to reopen A&E, which has been closed overnight since August, and to keep services at Grantham.

The overnight closure of the A&E is due to be reconsidered in February. Jody Clark, of F4GH, says she feels positive that A&E will be open again 24 hours. She told the Journal: “If you look at what has happened in Newark, they had very little opposition to the closure of A&E there and they lost what they had. I think it shows the strength of feeling in the community in Grantham and the district that we are uniting as a major force and we are being persistent and relentless and we will continue to protect as many of our services as we possibly can.

Full Story on Grantham Journal 13 January 2017