£50m redevelopment plans for West Cumberland Hospital

Full story in the News & Star, 2 November 2017

The next two phases for the West Cumberland Hospital scheme have been released and are awaiting approval from NHS England.

Phase one began in October 2015, which saw new additions of the new build programme including the new emergency floor, theatre and wards with single-bedded rooms.

Plans for phase two include the demolition and refurbishment of buildings, as well as landscaping and reinstatement works, costing an estimated £33m.

These works will accommodate for renal, chemotherapy, therapies, pre-assessment, consultant-led maternity, gynaecology, midwife-led maternity unit and office space.

Phase three will see the merger of the hospital and a new medical school for the University of Central Lancashire, estimating to cost £13m.

GP John Howarth of West Cumbria is joint deputy chief executive of North Cumbria University Hospitals NHS Trust and has worked alongside the Cumbria Partnership NHS Foundation Trust to develop plans for the project.

Dr Howarth stresses that the plans are not just about the physical redevelopment, but part of a unique wider plan.

“We are looking at how we make the West Cumberland Hospital the hub of an integrated care system, for Copeland and Allerdale, connecting the acute hospital with all of its services with primary care and community services,” he said.

Once approved, the work is expected to be completed by 2020 with phases two and three beginning in late 2018.