Dismay at proposed cuts to NHS-funded IVF treatment in Cambridgeshire

Proposals to cut NHS funded IVF-treatment in Cambridgeshire have been labelled “devastating”, as a major public survey on the plan starts.

The consultation launched today (March 13) by Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) invites residents to share their views on proposed changes to specialist fertility treatment.

Under the current system, couples in the county can apply for one round of IVF on the NHS, if aged between 23 and 42, and if they meet all the necessary eligibility criteria.

But under new plans this NHS-funded IVF treatment will be cut altogether, a move which is planned to save over £1million. The CCG is proposing to stop routinely commissioning any specialist fertility services other than for patients undergoing cancer treatment, and men who have a chronic viral infection.

Full Story on Cambridge News 13th March 2017