North Norfolk MP: ‘More detail needed in region’s new health plan’

Norman Lamb, the MP for North Norfolk, has written to Wendy Thomson – chief executive of Norfolk County Council – over the region’s new Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP).

Dr Thomson is leading the talks between health chiefs who are drawing up the new STP.

Commenting on the STP Mr Lamb said: “Despite the horror stories emerging from STPs in some parts of the country, I am broadly encouraged by direction of travel in the Norfolk and Waveney plan.

“However, the work is at a very early stage and little detail currently exists.

“The focus on bringing the different parts of the system together more effectively – physical health, mental health and social care – is welcome.

“But these proposals will have very clear cost implications, which I fear will prove fatal to its objectives at a time when the local health and care system is facing an enormous deficit.

Full Story on Eastern Daily Press 2 February 2017