Delivering sustainability and transformation plans

From ambitious proposals to credible plans

This report examines the content of the 44 sustainability and transformation plans (STPs) that were submitted in October 2016. STPs are the main vehicle for transforming health and care services in England in line with the NHS five year forward view. The report discusses the main challenges that lie ahead in implementing STPs and realising the opportunities they identify.
Key findings
  • STPs offer the best hope for the NHS and its partners to sustain services and transform the delivery of health and care.
  • STPs are wide-reaching and propose changes in a number of areas – from prevention through to acute and specialised services.
  • A high priority for many STPs is to redesign services in the community to moderate demand for hospital care.
  • Proposals to reconfigure hospitals could improve quality but need to be closely scrutinised and considered on their merits.
  • Proposals to reduce capacity in hospitals will only be credible if there are robust plans to provide alternatives in the community.
  • Cuts in social care and public health and a lack of earmarked funds to support transformation will affect the ability of NHS organisations and their partners to implement STPs.

For full report see The King’s Fund  21 February 2017