Crucial information on huge five year plan for future of Gloucestershire’s NHS is being withheld, campaigners claim

Crucial information about plans for the future of Gloucestershire’s health service is being withheld from the public and councillors, NHS campaigners have claimed.

Stroud Against the Cuts (SATC) says key figures and projections in the county’s five-year Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP) are being kept secret.

The STP, published in November, sets out a blueprint of strategies to reduce costs, change services and improve care – while tackling the county’s huge £226 million deficit.

Campaigners claim these plan’s budgets are “riven with holes” and provide no information on projected changes to staffing levels, number of beds, asset sell-offs, or deficits of the NHS Trusts.

They fear that behind closed doors the full plans hold details on “further cuts and sell-offs” to the county’s “much loved and vital hospitals”.

Full Story on Stroud News & Chronicle 23 December 2016