CQC: ‘No coherent strategy’ for city’s health services

Full story in The HSJ, 11 May 2018

Health and care leaders in Birmingham lack a coherent strategy for the city and remain focused on organisational rather than system priorities, the Care Quality Commission has said.

The CQC’s system review, published on Friday and focusing on care for over 65s, found there was a shared vision for the city but this had not been translated into concrete plans for improving services.

The CQC review said ‘challenging’ relationships had improved

The report said: “While there was a shared vision for community, place based care, this had not been developed into a single, coherent strategy for Birmingham which could be clearly articulated by middle management and frontline staff.”

There was also poor visibility of the population’s needs or a clear link between those needs and commissioning priorities. This included not publishing a public health report for the city in the past two years.

“We could not be assured the system was looking at the needs of the population in order to plan and deliver services to address the high levels of deprivation and significant variation in life expectancy,” the CQC said.