Clinicians and managers meet to discuss proposals for future of Lincolnshire healthcare

A meeting of more than 150 senior clinical leaders, managers and key stakeholders is taking place in Sleaford today to consider a range of proposals to change health services in the county ahead of a public consultation in May.

The meeting will look at a number of proposals for hospital changes covering urgent and emergency care, maternity services, children’s specialist services (paediatrics), learning disability services, planned care services and stroke services.

This event follows on from the work of the Lincolnshire Health and Care Programme (LHAC) to come up with a new model for delivering health and care in the county.

The challenges facing the health and care system in Lincolnshire have been described in detail in the recently published Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP) which says some clinical services will need to change in the future in response to growing demand from an ageing population.

Full Story on Grantham Journal 25 January 2017