City leaders make first moves towards ‘virtual’ MCP

Primary and community care leaders in the Portsmouth area are planning the first steps towards rolling out a new care model.

Health leaders in Portsmouth are working towards implementing a new MCP care model

Portsmouth Clinical Commissioning Group is working with Solent Trust and local GPs, including the Portsmouth Primary Care Alliance, to develop a “virtual” multispecialty community provider.

It comes amid a drive by health leaders in the region to create an accountable care system for Portsmouth and south east Hampshire. The area also sits next to the Better Local Care MCP vanguard, which aims to cover around 950,000 of the county’s population.

The virtual MCP – one of three options available under the MCP model outlined by NHS England – would “overlay existing commissioned contracts through an alliance agreement”, CCG governing body papers said.

The alliance agreement was described as a memorandum of understanding by Solent Trust in its most recent board papers.

The agreement would establish a “shared vision and commitment to managing resources together, as well as clear governance arrangements in the delivery of services”, the CCG papers added.

Full story in The HSJ, 11 May 2017