Campaigners express fears over proposed health service changes

Campaigners staged a demonstration against proposed changes to NHS services ahead of a meeting of Nottingham’s health bosses.

Members of Keep Our NHS Public lobbied outside Nottingham City Council’s Loxley House headquarters, in Station Street, on Tuesday afternoon, before a meeting of the city’s Health and Wellbeing Board inside.

They have concerns about the Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP), currently in draft form, which sets out how local health bosses aim to plug a £628 million funding gap by 2021.

Key proposals include cutting 200 acute care hospital beds, providing a seven-day-a-week GP service and downsizing Nottingham City Hospital.  Richard Buckwell, chair of the campaign group, wants leaders to consider the consequences of approving the STP. The 64-year-old from Sherwood said: “It is going to mean huge cuts from both the NHS services and social care services.

Full story in The Nottingham Post, 25 January 2017