Bakewell and Bolsover community hospitals set for closure

Two community hospitals have been earmarked for closure as part of a shakeup of NHS healthcare in Derbyshire. Newholme Hospital in Bakewell and Bolsover Hospital could shut as part of a review of community health services in the north of the county.

NHS managers said the pressure on finances meant doing nothing “isn’t an option at all.” Bolsover MP Dennis Skinner said local people would not accept the closures.

“They’d better get rid of that hospital idea,” said the Labour MP.

“It won’t wash with the Bolsover people. This is a market town, they lost all the pits, a lot of the pubs have shut, they’re not going to stand for this.”

Dr Ben Milton, from the North Derbyshire Clinical Commissioning Group, which is leading the review, said: “We have had a very clear message that people would like care to be in their own homes.

“We know there’s good evidence that, staying in hospital, people get worse outcomes [and] they are more likely to end up in long-term care.”

William Jones, chief operating officer at Derbyshire Community Health Services NHS Foundation Trust, said: “Doing nothing isn’t an option at all. We have people living longer, the population is growing and we have downward pressure on our finances.

“We need to be able to meet the future needs of future generations.”

Full story from BBC News, 29 June 2016