Urgent calls to fix “incoherent” health and social care staffing

A build-up in staff shortages in both the NHS and social care due to mistakes made over the previous decade by the Conservative government has now led to such high levels of burn-out rates and staff turnover that the services are in danger of not working properly, a cross-party committee of MPs has been told.

The burn-out resulting from chronic workplace stress results in some to take time off sick, others to reduce their working hours, resign or take early retirement, which in turn makes the situation worse for those left.

Dr David Wrigley, the British Medical Association’s wellbeing lead, told the Health and Social Care select committee: “Health and care staff suffered stress and work-related anxiety before the pandemic but it is now far more serious and we believe the current level of staff burnout and stress presents a worrying risk to the future functioning of the health and care system and safe patient care.”

Full story in The Lowdown, 14 June 2021