RCN responds to ‘nursing associate’ consultation

The RCN has today published its response to Health Education England’s consultation on proposals to introduce a new nursing support role to the health care workforce.  The provisionally titled “nursing associate” role aims to bridge the gap between health care assistants and graduate registered nurses.

The RCN believes the proposals recognise the vital contribution of the health care support workforce, and provide a structure for those who wish to become registered nurses, but warns the role must not replace registered nurses, of which there is already a shortage.

A survey of more than 5,000 RCN members shows 67% think the new role would provide a route into registered nursing for health care assistants.

Nearly all (95%) believe the workforce currently has insufficient numbers of registered nurses, with 78% believing the introduction of the new role will lead to further reductions.

For full story see www.rcn.org.uk