Sussex nurses warn over A&E overcrowding

PERFORMANCE: Nurses working in the emergency department at Royal Sussex County Hospital have raised concerns patient care is suffering due to overcrowding and understaffing.

A number of nurses contacted their local Royal College of Nursing branch after the hospital declared a major incident on Monday and ambulances were advised to divert to other departments.

Latest figures from the Department of Health show during the week beginning 3 March just 83.3% of patients were admitted or treated and discharged within four hours in line with the national target.

Sussex RCN officer Teresa Budrey said staff members were feeling “stressed out and undervalued”.

She added: “They are desperately trying to deliver good care in difficult and challenging circumstances. There have been up to 13 patients waiting to be placed at one time, although they have all had access to triage support from a senior nurse, and the ambulance service…

Read full article in HSJ.