Over 4,000 more mental health nurses needed in the next five years

A report has revealed that an additional 4,230 mental health nurses are needed to ensure the Government can deliver the NHS Long Term Plan.

The new NHS Mental Health Implementation Plan for 2019-20 to 2023-24, which sets out how NHS England aims to deliver on the commitments made for mental health services in the NHS Long Term Plan, has revealed that an additional 4,230 mental health nurses are needed.

In five years time, according to the report, at least an additional 2,110 nursing staff working in children and young people’s mental health services, 2,010 nursing staff working in acute adult and community care and 110 nursing staff working in perinatal mental health. The report predicts that in five years’ time there should

With an estimated 40,000 registered nursing vacancies in England and an overall decline in the number of applications to undergraduate nursing courses, experts are concerned about how this target will be met.

Full story in Nursing Notes, 29 July 2019