GP campaign group demands resignation of Jeremy Hunt

A GP campaign group has called on Jeremy Hunt to resign after more than 99% of its members backed a no confidence vote in the health secretary, warning that his actions have left the NHS ‘broken’.

More than 800 members of the campaign group GP Survival – a grassroots group set up to protect general practice in the face of a growing crisis – voted in less than 48 hours on a no confidence motion that called on the health secretary to quit.

A total of 99.6% of respondents – who represent nearly a fifth of the total membership of GP Survival – declared they had no confidence in the health secretary.

The group said Mr Hunt’s actions as health secretary had ‘fallen below the standards one would expect of a government minister’, pointing to his use of ‘questionable statistics’ as the basis for policies, and for ‘alienating and decimating’ whole branches of the medical profession, ‘such as junior doctors, nurses, consultants, paramedics and GPs’.

GP Survival also expressed dismay that the health secretary had ‘tried to discount the comments of the British Red Cross, who consider the current state of our nation’s healthcare a humanitarian crisis’.

Full story in GPonline 13 January 2017