BMA finds NHS faces exodus of doctors after Covid pandemic

A BMA survey has found that thousands of UK doctors are planning to quit the NHS after the Covid pandemic because they are exhausted by their workloads and worried about their mental health.

Almost one in three may retire early while a quarter are considering taking a career break and a fifth are weighing up quitting the health service to do something else. The reasons given are long hours, high demand for care, the impact of the pandemic and unpleasant working environments. The survey of 5,521 doctors 1,352 (31.9%) of the 4,258 who replied to a question about whether their career plans had changed over the last 12 months said they were now more likely to retire early than they were last year – more than double the 14% who said the same in June 2020.

Full story in The Guardian, 3 May 2021