Join up health and housing policy or risk return to ‘pre-war slum housing’, Labour warns

Full story in The Independent, 2 July 2018

Labour has warned there is a risk of the resurgence of post-war style slums that fuelled illness as it announced plans to join up health and housing policies.

Hundreds of thousands of rented homes are unfit to live in, according to the party. It set out plans to create healthy homes zones that would target areas with the worst quality housing.

Shadow housing secretary John Healey warned the country faced a return to the problems of the “evil” of squalor that William Beveridge warned of when he paved the way for the welfare state.

He said: “Housing and health were joined after the Second World War because widespread slum private housing meant unsanitary conditions and poor health for millions. This was Beveridge’s evil of ‘squalor’. We’re at risk of recreating this problem today.”