"The NHS will last as long as there are folk willing to fight for it."

Nye Bevan

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"NHS staff need your help to protect our NHS."

5 point plan for properly funding the NHS:

Give the NHS an urgent funding boost, to bridge the £30bn funding gap before 2020/1.

Lessen the pressure for unrealistic efficiency savings, which are causing problems for patients and cuts to services.

Set out a long term settlement for the NHS - a commitment of public funding, that will improve planning and give it confidence for the future.

Invest in NHS staff who are the heart of the NHS – through safer staffing levels, pay, training and recruitment and retention.

Spend public funds wisely, restore the benefits of a collaborative NHS and limit the waste of PFI and marketization.

“There just isn’t the social care package available at short notice for these patients, they often end up sitting in hospital at weeks at a time, just waiting”

Christopher Gee, Orthopaedic registrar

“That’s a very difficult thing to have to deal with – when you don’t think you can deliver the care you would want your parents or your relatives to receive.”

Todd Leckie, Junior Doctor

“The staff crisis is going to worsen and invariably this is going to mean increase waiting time and its true levels of care will deteriorate, because you do need the human resource to deliver the care.”

Joe Ebbs, Junior Doctor

“I had a service user who waited 15 hours and just got sent home. This is someone with schizophrenia, hearing voices, in major distress, just couldn’t get a service. It’s just inhumane and we need to do something about it”

Ben Jackson, Community mental health worker

“We’ve cut the number of district nurses. We’ve lost all our community matrons”

Louise Irvine, General Practitioner

“There is just not enough funding and we are seeing an increasing number of patients with mental health issues in general practice”

Sophie Galloway, GP Partner in West Sussex

“Midwives are increasingly stressed, increasingly frustrated, because when you love your job you want to do it properly”

Professor Cathy Warwick, Royal College of Midwives

“It feels really hard and it’s very depressing working with staff that are so demoralised”

Claire Jones, Health visitor and Registered General Nurse

“In my experience it is hard to do your job. There aren’t enough staff”

Emma Corlett, Unison steward at the Norfolk & Suffolk Mental Health Trust

“At the moment I’ve got 6 trained staff leaving the unit so that’s 6 trained nurses leaving at once”

Christine Jefferies, Registered General Nurse