Seventh maternal death at scandal hit trust

A seventh maternal death has been reported at a London trust previously criticised for a series of deaths linked to its maternity services.

Homerton University Hospital Foundation Trust has investigated the death of a woman in the care of its maternity services in January.

This is the seventh maternal death to occur at the trust in recent years, following five deaths in 18 months over 2013 to 2015, and another in summer 2016.

The trust refused to reveal details of an external investigation into the latest death but did tell HSJ the woman, who was 24 weeks pregnant, died at home.

A trust spokesman said: “An inquest is to be held in August. An external case panel chaired by one of our non-executive directors has reviewed this case and will meet again following the inquest. No other comment or details about the case will be forthcoming until after the inquest.”

Governing body papers published in June by City and Hackney Clinical Commissioning Group said: “There were five maternal deaths in a two year time frame at [Homerton University Hospital] which was unusual and concerning. There was a heightened risk of further deaths which needed to be mitigated and there was also a possible impact on women’s perception of safety at the Homerton… There have been two further maternal deaths, in July 2016 and in January 2017 taking the total to seven over a three year period.”

Article from HSJ, 20 July 2017