Physiotherapy provision is overstretched

A new Muscular Dystrophy UK report has revealed that thousands of people with muscular dystrophy are going without access to physiotherapy, despite the therapy being central to the management of their condition.

The Overstretched report reveals that 60% of individuals with a muscle-wasting condition are unable to access appropriate physiotherapy for their condition.

A lack of respiratory physiotherapists as well as a postcode lottery on NHS funding of breathing equipment is putting lives at risk and is increasing costs to the NHS through avoidable emergency hospital admissions.

In other cases, individuals can only access physiotherapy on a short term basis – often in six week blocks. This isn’t appropriate for people living with a long term condition such as muscular dystrophy, who need more flexible, longer term support.

For full report in July 2016 see Muscular Dystrophy UK’s website