Paramedics ‘tampered with trackers’ to avoid 999 calls at a scandal-hit NHS trust

Paramedics at a scandal-hit NHS trust are accused of switching off ambulance tracking devices so they could avoid responding to 999 calls.

At least ten ambulance workers are under investigation for deliberate tampering with the trackers, so they could disappear for up to three hours at a time, putting patients at risk.

The revelations came as the current head of South East Coast Ambulance Service trust stood down in the wake of allegations that he was among those found responsible for bullying.

The Health and Care Professions Council (HPC) yesterday heard that patients in potentially life-threatening situations were left in jeopardy because of efforts to mislead control room staff.

At least 10 paramedics from the trust’s ambulance station in Guildford, Surrey, are accused of deliberate tampering.

Carl Hudghton, 29, yesterday admitted that his actions could have had “catastrophic” consequences for patients, adding to delays for patients in need of emergency help.
Full story found in The Telegraph, 20 February 2017