‘Major’ safety fears over lack of regulation for advanced nurses

The lack of regulation of advanced nursing is a “major concern for public protection”, HSJhas been told.

The chair of the Association of Advanced Practice Educators, a network of 37 universities that train staff in advanced patient care, said some nurses who were dismissed from university courses for failing to meet standards continue to call themselves advanced nurses and remain in their jobs.

Katrina Maclaine also warned that some advanced nurses were “unconsciously incompetent”. The AAPE believes formal regulation of advanced nursing is needed to tackle the poor governance among employers.

Her comments follow the publication of research earlier this month that revealed almost 600 separate job titles being used by nurses working in advanced practice roles, with no clear link between their education level, competence or experience.

The study, led by Professor Alison Leary from London South Bank University, also revealed how hundreds of unregistered care staff were being given job titles describing them as “advanced nurses”. This week, England’s most senior nurses told all NHS trusts to check if they were employing unqualified care staff with job titles describing them as “nurses”.

Ms Maclaine said the AAPE has become increasingly concerned about advanced nursing regulation.

Full story in The HSJ, 25 September 2017