GP contraceptive services cuts are ‘impacting on patient care’

Public health experts have warned that cuts to GP-run contraceptive and sexual health services will lead to worse access and lower quality of care for patients.

The Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Health (FSRH) said the loss of GP contracts, as exposed by Pulse last week, had ‘worrying implications’ for the provision of long-active reversible contraception (LARC) in particular.

In a statement the Faculty said it had been contacted by a number of concerned GPs since Pulse’s article was published and that its ‘members are saying these cuts are impacting directly on patient care’.

Pulse’s investigation revealed that GPs are losing contracts to provide LARC services in both York and London, while in one area of Devon, GP practices are facing a cut in the number of LARC fittings GPs are funded to perform – meaning they will have to drop the service altogether.

Full story in Pulse 15 February 2016