Elderly hospital patients given eviction warnings

Amid soaring levels of ‘bedblocking’ in the NHS, elderly hospital patients are being warned that they could face eviction if relatives cannot find a care home within three weeks.

Hospitals have begun imposing eviction notices on frail elderly patients who are left on wards because relatives cannot find a satisfactory care home, an investigation has found.

It comes amid a growing crisis in care of the elderly, with soaring levels of bed-blocking in parts of the country with some of the highest care home fees.

Official NHS figures show more than 220,000 days of delays are being caused each year when patients are stuck in hospital because relatives cannot decide on a care home.

Hospitals in the West Midlands are warning elderly patients who need residential care that they could face legal proceedings if they are not out within three weeks of being declared medically fit.

NHS trusts in Northamptonshire have drawn up similar policies, while trusts in Yorkshire say they are considering how best to respond to delays caused when families cannot decide on a care home.

Full story in The Telegraph 17 February 2016