Cutting physiotherapy services a false economy, says CSP

Proposals by CCGs covering Birmingham, Solihull and the Black Country to restrict access to physiotherapy could drive up costs for the NHS, the CSP has warned.

Karen Middleton, chief executive of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, said:

‘This once again highlights the enormous financial pressures CCGs are under, but also the very worrying way in which some are choosing to respond.

‘Simply cutting services such as physiotherapy will always prove to be a false economy if patients do not get the care they need. Conditions that could easily have been treated will worsen and require further support at a greater cost to the NHS.

‘When similar proposals were made in Mid Essex we commissioned a poll that showed significant numbers of people would not only go to their GP again if they couldn’t get physiotherapy, but many would end up in A&E.

‘Fortunately in Mid Essex we were able to work with the CCG to make changes that will improve the quality of care for patients while still saving money.

‘We will seek to do the same in Birmingham as well as in Worcestershire where essential physio services for patients are also under threat.’

More information at the Chartered Society of Physiotherapists April 2016