Controversial care plans U-turned by ‘carebnb’ trust

Full story in The HSJ 26 October 2017

The trust involved in a controversial plan to send discharged patients to private spare rooms, under an Airbnb style model, has now said it has “no intention… to support the pilot at this time”.

As exclusively revealed by HSJ yesterday, Southend Hospital University Foundation Trust has been working with a company to develop “proof of concept” for private homeowners with no care experience to be paid up to £1000 a month to “host” patients after they have been discharged from hospital

However, following high profile national media coverage, and groups including unions and adult social care directors raising concerns, the trust appears to have changed tack.

Trust deputy chief executive Tom Abell said in a statement today: “Whilst we welcome and encourage new ideas and innovation, there is no intention and there never has been for the hospital to support this pilot at this time.