So child mental health services are failing. Why’s that then, Jeremy?

The health secretary recognises that the inadequacy of Camhs is leading to tragedies – and yet he refuses to fund it properly.

Actions speak louder than words is perhaps the maxim that governments should live by; that governments should have as their desktop screensavers or written on Post-its on ministerial fridges. It came to mind when Theresa May made her Milibandesque inaugural speech as prime minister, and it came to mind again last week when Jeremy Hunt told us that the NHS is failing Britain’s young people on mental health. “Too many tragedies” occur because of weaknesses in the children and adolescent mental health services (Camhs), Hunt said.

It’s a popular opinion. So popular in fact, that people who work in Camhs have been saying it for years. Ditto the individuals who use the service, or would use the service if they were not languishing on waiting lists. Or those who are put off even trying to enter the system, or don’t know what help is available. Not to mention the parents and guardians of these young people.

For full article see The Guardian 24 October 2016