Brighton care service requires improvement, says CQC

A Brighton care service has made changes for the better after a few tough years but still “requires improvement”, according to an official report.

MiHomecare Woodingdean, which supports 126 people in their own homes, was said by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) to have improved compared with its two previous inspections.

The care service, which is part of national company MiHomecare, was found to be in breach of legal requirements during inspections last year and in 2015.

But when inspectors called again in March they found that improvements had been made.

The CQC said that during both of the earlier inspections the care service had inconsistent systems in place to care for patients. Late and missed calls were a particular problem.

The CQC said: “(When an) announced, comprehensive inspection took place on (Monday) 20 March 2017, it was evident that improvements had been made and the provider was no longer in breach of the regulations.

“However, there were areas of practice in need of further improvement and those that had been implemented were required to be sustained and embedded in practice.”

The CQC rated MiHomecare Woodingdean as “requires improvement” for responsiveness and leadership.

Full story in Brighton and Hove News, 14 July 2017