Articles on the deficit

Why has the NHS deficit ballooned? One word: understaffing

By NHS Support Federation | 20th May 2016

Why are NHS finances in such a mess? The biggest reason is staffing – or, to be more precise, understaffing. … Read more

A failed firebreak – Anita Charlesworth

By NHS Support Federation | 20th May 2016

Life has few certainties, but it is beyond doubt that NHS providers were mired in a financial black hole during … Read more

NHS managers are being forced to lie to the public – Carol Ackroyd

By NHS Support Federation | 20th May 2016

This latest “Transformation” will kill the NHS if we let it. Local managers are being forced to slash NHS budgets … Read more

NHS in England reveals £2.45bn record deficit

By NHS Support Federation | 20th May 2016

The NHS in England has run up a record deficit of £2.45bn – the biggest overspend in its history – … Read more

NHS deficit damaging services to patients, says UNISON

By NHS Support Federation | 20th May 2016

Commenting on new figures showing a deficit of £2.45bn in NHS finances, UNISON head of health Christina McAnea said: “This … Read more

How does this year’s NHS budget compare historically? – John Appleby

By NHS Support Federation | 12th May 2016

Jeremy Hunt has claimed recently that in 2016/17 the NHS will receive the sixth biggest funding increase in its history. … Read more

NHS spending: squeezed as never before – by John Appleby

By NHS Support Federation | 20th October 2015

Next month the government will set out its plans for public service spending through to 2020. The indications are that … Read more

Stealth cuts to hospitals push the NHS into the red

By NHS Support Federation | 29th April 2015

Cuts to tariffs – the prices paid to hospitals for different medical procedures – are starving health trusts of income … Read more