Studies show NHS staff have lost thousands in real pay since 2011

Findings by The Health Foundation show that NHS staff in England have suffered real-terms falls in their pay of up to £2,949 over the last decade.

After adjusting for inflation, nurses’ and health visitors’ pay has dropped by £1,583, doctors’ by £779 and midwives’ by £1,813. However, scientific, therapeutic and technical staff have had the biggest cut – of £2,949.

The findings are contained in a Health Foundation analysis of official NHS staff earnings data covering the 10 years from March 2011 to March this year.

Some NHS staff have had a real-term rise in income since 2011. The Health Foundation found that ambulance staff now earn £2,767 more, while NHS infrastructure staff are on average £645 better off and those supporting clinical staff have had a tiny £63 rise.

However, overall the 1.2 million staff in hospital and community services are £462 a year worse off than they were in 2011. That reflects a decade in which most NHS personnel received either a very small annual salary rise of about 1%, or had their pay frozen.

Full story in The Guardian, 22 July 2021