NHS staff make personal appeal to PM on pay

A pay claim submitted by UNISON would see every NHS employee receive of £2,000 or more by the end of this year.

UNISON – which represents staff across the NHS including healthcare assistants, radiographers, porters, midwives and paramedics – says this rise is the equivalent of around £1 an hour for all staff.

If the claim is accepted, minimum wages in the health service would go above £20,000 a year for the first time, according to the union.

Over the summer a series of public rallies have been taking place across the country in support of health workers. And this week Unison members delivered their own appeal to the PM,

“Health staff have heard how much your recent personal experiences taught you about the value of what they do.

“They are now looking for you to reflect that in their pay. So, Prime Minister, why wait?

Full story in The Lowdown, 28 September 2020