Marches for fair pay for nurses and other NHS staff

NHS workers have marched in their thousands across the UK calling for fair pay for NHS staff and true recognition of their work during the pandemic.

Anger is growing about an absence of action to match gestures such as weekly applause for healthcare workers.

In London, protesters made their way along Whitehall towards Downing Street with a blue banner reading: “End NHS pay inequality, together we win.” Outside No 10, there were chants of: “Boris Johnson hear us shout, pay us properly or get out.”

In Glasgow city centre, where NHS staff fell silent to remember colleagues lost during the coronavirus pandemic, demonstrators held signs saying “Covid hero pay rise zero”, and “Who saved you Boris?”

Last month, the government announced a pay rise for NHS doctors but not nurses and other workers, in a move unions described as “the final straw” after real terms cuts of thousands of pounds to nurses pay since 2010 due to a failure to raise wages with inflation.

Full story in The Guardian, 8 August 2020