Workload damages patient care, say GPs

GPs in Scotland have sent a clear message that their workload is unsustainable and is affecting patient care.

A BMA survey has shown that more than nine out of 10 GPs believe their workload negatively affects the quality of patient care.

GPs also believe that they should have more time to spend with patients, with just 7 per cent saying consultation times are adequate.

The Scottish Government said action was already under way to address GPs’ concerns, including additional investment in primary care, and an agreement with the BMA on the future direction of general practice.

The 900 GPs in Scotland who responded to the survey were asked to rank the measures they thought should be top priority to help them deliver general practice.

Almost half (44 per cent) said increased funding for general practice was the top priority, while 36 per cent said the most important thing was to increase numbers of GPs. Almost one in five (18 per cent) said longer consultations should be the top priority.

More than half (53 per cent) believe there should be longer consultations for certain groups of patients, including those with long-term conditions, while four in 10 say that all patients need more time with their GPs.

Full article see BMA 9 December 2016