Worcester’s Oxford Fertility IVF clinic must be paid for by NHS patients

Full Story in Worcester News 4 April 2018

LOCAL NHS patients currently have to pay to use an IVF clinic in the city, despite the service being free to people from Herefordshire.

Mother-of-two Lauren Ali says it is ‘absolutely wrong’ that NHS patients in Worcestershire cannot use the Oxford Fertility centre in Bath Road, Worcester, for free.

Health bosses currently send local couples who are struggling to conceive to Birmingham for IVF.

Mrs Ali, aged 30, from Himbleton, near Worcester, said she was drained by the long trips to her clinic while undergoing treatment.

She said: “It wasn’t pleasant. It gives you time to think of the worst. The process of IVF is hard anyway.

“It can bring you down, especially if you have driven an hour and they give you bad news and you have to drive an hour back.”