Unison says NHS trusts ‘fritter away’ millions of public money outsourcing staff to private companies

Full Story in The Independent 16 April 2018

NHS trusts are spending millions of pounds outsourcing staff to new private companies, research suggests.

A Freedom of Information (FOI) request by Unison has revealed that NHS trusts in England are “shelling out” huge amounts of money on consultants.

The new arms-length private companies appeal to NHS trusts because they can reduce their VAT payments, and cut the pay and pensions for any new staff, Unison has said.

Only 21 out of 31 NHS trusts approached by Unison complied with the FOI request, but the amount spent by 15 of them is already more than £3.2m.

Companies are advising trusts on the setting up of wholly owned subsidiaries, to which staff are then outsourced, said the union.

Unison said health workers being transferred tend to be the lowest paid, like porters and cleaners.