Ten NHS trusts ‘wasted £235m to hire private ambulances’

Full story in The Guardian, 21 October 2018

England’s NHS trusts have spent almost a quarter of a billion pounds on private ambulance services in the last three years as emergency 999 calls and sickness rates among health service paramedics rise.

According to figures obtained under the Freedom of Information Act, South Central Ambulance Service spent almost £69m on private providers; South East Coast Ambulance Service spent more than £35m; and North West Ambulance Service spent almost £30m. In total, the 10 trusts spent £235m on private ambulances over the period.

The GMB union estimates the same trusts spent about £146m on private ambulances between 2011 and 2013. “The fact ambulance trusts spent almost a quarter of a billion pounds on private ambulance services in just three years is a disgrace,” said Rachel Harrison, GMB national officer.