Bad Brexit deal would be disaster for NHS, says Jeremy Hunt

A bad deal on Brexit would be “a disaster” for the NHS, Jeremy Hunt has said, as he claimed the European commission was deliberately interfering in the general election to undermine the Conservatives.

Ramping up the rhetoric of Theresa May, who last week accused the commission of leaking an unflattering account of talks at Downing Street to disrupt the election, the health secretary said a good Brexit agreement was vital for the health service.

“We’ve got 27 countries lined up against us,” Hunt told BBC1’s The Andrew Marr Show. “Some of them appear to think that for the EU to survive, Britain must fail.”

He said of the impact on the NHS: “If we don’t get a good Brexit outcome and we don’t protect the economic recovery, the jobs that so many people depend on, whose taxes pay for the NHS, if we get a bad Brexit outcome, that would be a disaster for the NHS.”

Full Article on The Guardian 6 May 2017