King’s Fund chief to chair STP

Outgoing King’s Fund chief executive Sir Chris Ham has been appointed as independent chair of a sustainability and transformation partnership in the West Midlands.

Sir Chris will chair the Coventry and Warwickshire STP – also known as Better Health, Better Care, Better Value – from January after he steps down from his role at the health policy think tank at the end of this year.

The STP is led by Andy Hardy, chief executive of the tertiary hospital trust in the patch, University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire Trust.

The STP has a stated ambition to become an integrated care system but progress on the transformation of clinical services across providers has been patchy. In Warwickshire, South Warwickshire Foundation Trust is promoting vertical integration based around the trust as a lead provider, starting with hospital services.

Full story in the HSJ, 14 December 2018