CCGs in revolt over STP running costs

Full story in The HSJ, 25 July 2018

A clinical commissioning group refused to contribute to its STP’s running costs, HSJ can reveal.

Last month, Ashford CCG decided – on a casting vote – not to contribute £333,000 to the Kent and Medway Sustainability and Transformation Partnership costs. The minutes for the extraordinary meeting, released this month, show concerns about scrutiny around value for money and lack of evidence that patients benefited from the STP.

Deputy chair and audit committee chair Steve Salt – who chaired the meeting – suggested concerns about scrutiny and accountability were shared by other audit chairs in the eight CCGs in the STP area. He added he would like to see the minutes of the STP finance directors’ group meeting.

But the decision was overturned at a CCG meeting earlier this month. HSJ understands Mr Salt has now decided to resign from his role at the CCG for other reasons.