New No.10 health unit recruiting

The HSJ reports that a job advert has been posted for a deputy director to lead the “public service recovery – health” team, based in the Cabinet Office. The deputy director will be part of the new unit in number 10 Downing Street to oversee ‘recovery’ in the NHS and other health priorities, and ‘intervene where delivery is slowing’.

There will be a number of deputy directors who will form the leadership of the new Number 10 “delivery unit”. This is being run by Emily Lawson, previously a national director and lead of the covid vaccination programme at NHS England. The directors will “focus departments and delivery partners on the successful delivery of critical outcomes in that area,” the advert says.

The job advert says the deputy director will “use the PM’s backing, a wide and trusted network, and a set of intelligent support solutions to intervene effectively where delivery is slowing, to get projects back on track”.

Full story in the HSJ, 24 June 2021