End the injustice of dementia patients paying for their care

Let down again, charities and campaigners representing 850,000 dementia patients were united in their criticism of the government this week for failing to produce a solution to the social care crisis, and bring an end to a great injustice at the heart of the health system.

Over 40% of dementia patients end up paying for the aspects of their own care, unlike patients with cancer, heart problems or diabetes, or other chronic conditions treated on the NHS.

“Vague promises are no longer enough…It is time for the government to take the next vital steps and honour their promises with a concrete plan” – Alzheimer’s Society

It is over twenty years since the Royal Commission on Long term care, set up by the Blair government, highlighted this injustice and suggested that aspects of these care costs should be met by the state. These proposals were rejected, and shamefully this issue still sits stranded in the current government’s intray, despite Johnson’s promise on the steps of Downing Street to “fix it”. Meanwhile the colossal social and economic costs of inaction mount.

Full story – The Lowdown 18 May 2021